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Surge Protection Services in Crystal Lake, IL

When a power outage occurs, all bets are off. Some homes in Crystal Lake, IL can see a surge of electrical power that threatens to blow out devices and appliances. Work with Althoff Home Services to stop this from being a reality.

  • We’ve been proudly serving the Greater Chicago Area since 1961.
  • We’re family-owned and operated.
  • We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Don’t gamble on the safety and security of your electrical system. Invest in our surge protection services today.

Just Hand It Off to Althoff!


Surge Protector Installation

Most homeowners in Crystal Lake, IL don’t know that we provide whole-home surge protection. These appliances protect your home’s entire electrical system from any power spikes that might happen throughout the year. From a downed power line to a lightning strike, our surge protector installation services are bound to help. Just hand it off to Althoff Home Services

Surge Protector Replacement

What’s the point of having a surge protector if it can’t protect your home day and night? If you’re noticing that it’s not providing the 24/7 surge protection you’re used to, then call us immediately to have the old system replaced by a new one.

Our surge protector replacement services are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee so you know you’ll be getting a quality system that’s built to keep your home and its devices safe. Call us today for a free estimate and to learn about our flexible financing options!

Surge Protector Repair

If your surge protector is exhibiting these problems, you might need our surge protector repair.

  • You’re seeing constant power spikes.
  • Your devices are breaking.
  • Your electrical system is making strange noises or emitting odors.

Don’t hesitate to take advantage of our true 24-hour service by calling our pros for surge protector help today.

Let’s get your project started today!

We offer whole-home solutions, not just quick fixes.

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