Althoff Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Oak Brook’

What Happens When Your Garbage Disposal Won’t Work

Monday, February 10th, 2025

Is your garbage disposal jammed? Or does it seem like it’s just not working as well as it once did? Sometimes there are things you can troubleshoot on your own, but other times you need to call for professional service instead. 

You can keep reading to learn about the steps you need to take when it seems like your garbage disposal is not working in Oak Brook. Then give our team a call to schedule professional service so that we can address whatever the problem is and get your garbage disposal working again. 

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3 Easy Ways to Boost Furnace Efficiency

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Your furnace has a base energy efficiency rating, but there are always steps that you can take to get a little extra efficiency boost. And let’s face it, every little bit that you can save on heating your home this winter will add up.

Give us a call whenever you need furnace service in Oak Brook, IL. You can also keep reading to learn about a few of the ways that you can help boost heater efficiency and potentially save some money on energy costs while also lessening the wear and tear on your unit.

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