Most air conditioners use refrigerant to cool your home. With temperatures dropping, you may not be thinking much about your AC’s cooling function, but it’s still important, even in fall and winter. Some homeowners think they know what refrigerant is and how it works. Others know that their AC has refrigerant, but don’t know its function inside the AC unit.
Cooling your home is only possible because of refrigerant in your HVAC unit. Your AC unit functions differently when you switch from cooling to heating, but refrigerant is the key to cooling. Many people believe that refrigerant runs out over time and has to be replaced, but this isn’t true. Your AC unit is installed with a lifetime supply of refrigerant.
The next time you need air conditioning repair in Hinsdale, IL, trust our team of professionals to help you. If your system is losing refrigerant for some reason, we can recharge your supply – not replace it. Plus, we can identify the problem and get your AC back to working like new again.
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Tags: Air Conditioner Repair, Hinsdale
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