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Chicago’s Choice Since 1961


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Chicago’s Choice Since 1961


The Importance of Professional HVAC Maintenance

You probably know that HVAC maintenance is recommended for your system whether you have a heater, heat pump, or air conditioner. But do you understand exactly how important this valuable service is? You can keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the importance of investing in professional service for your HVAC system on an annual basis.

It’s easy to look at this service as optional and consider it more of an expense than an investment. But when you understand how a tune-up works and what makes it such a big deal, you’ll definitely want to get on our schedule for HVAC maintenance in Crystal Lake, IL. When you’re ready, give us a call and we will get you an appointment.

Improve Energy Efficiency

It’s important to maintain strong energy efficiency for your HVAC system for a couple of different reasons. The first is that consuming less energy is better for the environment and makes your carbon footprint smaller. If everyone took steps to keep up with maintenance and improve energy efficiency, we could lower our combined impact on the environment by a lot.

Boosting energy efficiency is also an opportunity to save money on operation. The less energy that your unit consumes, the less it costs from month to month to operate. This energy efficiency extends over the entire lifespan of the unit. You’re not just saving money in the immediate future. You’re also saving money for years to come.

Extend System Lifespan

When you boost energy efficiency, you also extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. This is because when your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard to produce results, it can last for longer. If your HVAC system is having to work too hard to heat or cool your home, it is taking on additional strain that is unnecessary. 

This could mean that you have to replace your HVAC system sooner. But with regular maintenance, you can actually help the system last longer than what is considered average and get more life out of the existing unit before needing to upgrade.

Prevent Costly Breakdowns

Benefits also extend to preventing total system breakdowns. This is because maintenance allows our team to address problems incrementally instead of you waiting to call us when something major happens and your HVAC system stops working completely. 

It is always cheaper to invest in consistent maintenance than to wait and address problems as they happen. This is because we can prevent permanent damage that may happen due to major operational issues.

Maintain Warranty Coverage

This is perhaps one of the best reasons to invest in regular maintenance. If you skip out on professional care, your manufacturer’s warranty may be voided. If this happens, the manufacturer will not cover the costs of any unusual issues that pop up during the warranty period.

Instead, you’ll be left covering those costs yourself. Sure, it’s possible that everything could go just fine and you won’t have an expensive repair need. But we like to err on the side of caution and hope you maintain that warranty in case the unexpected does happen. 

Contact Althoff Home Services today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Chicago’s Choice Since 1961. Hand It Off to Althoff!

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