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Chicago’s Choice Since 1961


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Chicago’s Choice Since 1961


Is My Older Air Conditioner Safe to Operate?

Summer is winding down, but there is a chance that if your air conditioner is older it needs to be replaced before the end of the season. This is especially true if you’ve been experiencing air conditioner problems this season, or perhaps even over a period of several years.

Upgrading your older air conditioner now is a great idea because it ensures that next year you already have a solution in place without having to scramble because you were air conditioner won’t turn on. You can give our team a call to schedule an in-home assessment for your AC replacement in Lake Geneva, IL. You can also keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that can indicate your AC is no longer safe to operate.

Signs of Electrical Problems

If your air conditioner is having electrical problems, the unit may trip the breaker. Even doing this just one time should be considered a red flag. Tripping a breaker means that your air conditioner experienced a major power surge that the panel could not handle. 

If this happens too often, it can damage your air conditioner in addition to posing safety risks for your family. Difficulty starting for a cooling cycle is another indication of potential electrical problems. You can also inspect the area around the indoor portion of your AC unit and look for loose wires.

Signs of Overworking

If your air conditioner is overworked, it may not be safe to operate. As your air conditioner wears down, it needs consistent maintenance to keep it safe to operate. If parts are so worn out that they cannot operate the way they were intended to, your air conditioner may be overheating or burning up. As long as you keep up with regular maintenance, this shouldn’t be a major concern. 

Our team can help identify problem areas that need to be addressed and fix these problems all along. However, if you have largely skipped out on maintenance, there is even more of a chance that your older air conditioner is not safe to operate. Many of the components are probably worn down to the point that the entire unit needs to be replaced with a newer model.

Considering an Upgrade

Most air conditioners will last for anywhere between 10 and 15 years before needing to be replaced. Once your air conditioner reaches this age, it’s time to begin thinking about an upgrade. If you’re not quite ready to replace your older air conditioner, our team may be able to make a few repairs and tweaks to the system to keep it running for another season. 

Of course, if there are specific safety concerns that lead us to believe your air conditioner is unsafe, we will talk to you about those and walk you through your various options. Our goal is to make sure you have a safe and effective air conditioner to operate. If you do decide to go ahead and get a new unit, we can talk to you about maintenance steps that will help your newer model to last even longer and have better overall efficiency across its entire life span.

Contact Althoff Home Services today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Chicago’s Choice Since 1961. Hand It Off to Althoff!

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