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Chicago’s Choice Since 1961


Your Furnace Shouldn’t Be Making These Sounds

Winter is almost over and your furnace has been working hard to keep your home warm all season long. That means that it may need some extra help to keep it operational moving forward.

When your heater is on you shouldn’t hear loud or unusual sounds. Sure, your furnace isn’t completely quiet, but the sounds coming from your furnace should never be alarming. Loud furnace noises are likely indicators of a need for a furnace repair in Lake Zurich, IL

No matter what the sound is, you want to call our team of heating experts sooner rather than later. Here are some of the noises that indicate you need to schedule repairs before your furnace is in big trouble.

Rattling Sounds

A rattling sound may not alarm you at first because it can be fairly quiet or it may come and go. But rattling is dangerous because it may indicate that a small part is loose and knocking around inside your furnace. If the loose part continues to knock around, it could cause significant damage to other components in your system. Even if you don’t see signs of external damage or notice anything going wrong, you still need to get your furnace checked if it is making this sound. 

Whistling Sounds

A whistling sound inside your furnace is usually a sign that there is a leak in your gas valve or a crack in your heat exchanger. Holes can be as tiny as a pinprick but gas can still make its way through. When it does, the force causes a whistling sound. Ignoring a gas leak can put your family’s health and the safety of your home at risk.

Don’t try to fix any of your gas lines yourself. Instead, call our team of certified professionals so the job gets done safely and correctly the first time.

Banging or Booming Sounds

If a sound is so loud that it scares or startles you, that is definitely a problem. A booming or banging noise may indicate that too much pressure is building up inside your furnace’s heat exchanger. This happens when gas continues to build up without ignition happening as it should. The resulting pressure can cause heat exchanger cracks and leak carbon monoxide into your home.

Your heat exchanger needs to be completely airtight to be considered safe. Even the tiniest hole can mean that your entire system is too risky to use. Address this problem before it harms someone in the house or forces you to replace the entire furnace.

Scraping Sounds

Your furnace shouldn’t make a scraping noise that sounds like metal on metal. If you do begin to hear a scraping sound, turn your furnace off until we can take a look at it. Metal-on-metal friction means that a fan blade or other moving component is loose or bent. Allowing the system to continue running despite this can lead to major damage. You may also need a motor bearing or belt to be adjusted or lubricated.

Contact Althoff Home Services today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. Chicago’s Choice Since 1961. Hand It Off to Althoff!

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